What are the primary causes of stress among your employees? Is it the constant need to meet deadlines? Is it a never-ending to-do list along with an overflowing inbox? The concept of work-life policy is designed to reduce stress in the workplace. However, it can also work in the different direction, particularly when schedules become hectic and the employees make an attempt to be always on.

Stress, however, is not just limited to schedules because work by itself can create plenty of pressure. A 2017 survey revealed that 80% of employees reported demanding conditions at the job, Also, employers were asked to put together a list of occupations that were the most or the least stressful. They had different perspectives on what job-related stress actually was. While some expressed it as meeting the deadlines, others just wanted to be successful in the everyday environment at their workplace.

Employees may be stressed by the working environment, their personal lives, or a combination of both. However, employers can take the necessary steps to help them cope.

This is how to create an environment that will generate less stress.

 “The key to winning is poise under stress.” — Paul Brown

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 Learn To Recognize Stress At the Workplace 

As an employer or a manager, you need to understand some clues that indicate the prevalence of excessive stress in the workplace. The productivity of your employees could be sliding down despite the time logged in. You could also detect increased absenteeism and staff taking days off and reporting sick more than they used to. Other signs include evidence of intolerance to the others, flaring tempers, and nonexistent humor.

 Stop Micro-management

The feeling that every tiny moment is monitored and controlled is a reason enough for employees to begin developing stress. Employers presently have employees who are from the millennial generation. Therefore, it is important for organizations to understand the minds of the employees. Employees need to be given a degree of control over what they are doing or how it should be done. Employers who give this privilege will achieve some success with their employees. 

 Help Your Employees To Adopt The Thought 

Employees who are bogged down by stress-inducing projects and with deadlines often find it difficult to notice things beyond the projects. They do not consider whether the project is short-term or long-term. Rather, they just continue without understanding that the challenges will appear small and insignificant when they have finally overcome them.

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It is beneficial if employers taught their employees to consider similar previous projects that they managed to complete appropriately. They should help them to adopt a similar thought process for the task presently at hand. That way, the employees will find it easier to overcome the stress they feel if they are willing to adapt the thought.

 Good Behavior Can Help Employees To Reduce Stress at Work

Organizations regularly adopt an open paid time-off policies for their employees. The policy has received negative attention from some employees who tend to take less time off. However, the case is different for senior employees. Therefore, human resource departments are forces to advise seniors on how to take time off.

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Generally, employees looked upon their managers to set an example. If the manager is working extra hours, employees feel the pressure to do the same. On the other hand, if the manager regularly takes time off, they set an example that will soon be followed by the employees. Therefore, good behavior among senior staff will make it easier to cope with stress at work.

“We all have those things that even in the midst of stress and disarray, they energize us and give us renewed strength and purpose. These are our passions.” Adam Braun


Different organizations adopt different strategies to minimize stress among employees. These are employers who have taken the overall picture into account and have realized that stressful working conditions can affect the company more than the employee. Going these examples,  it definitely looks like the employers need to make some efforts for reducing stress at work.