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We all need to get it together and unwind.Florida Memory/Flickr

We're all terrible at taking vacations.

A recent Glassdoor report found that, on average, Americans don't use half of their vacation time or paid time off.

And once we're actually on vacation, we have trouble kicking back and relaxing.

According to the same Glassdoor report, 66% of Americans say that they work during their vacations — that's compared to 61% five years ago.

Harris Poll conducted the survey on behalf of the job site, interviewing 2,224 adults in the US. Only 771 — about one third — of those participants took vacation or paid time off in the past 12 months.

We all really need to get it together and start vacationing the right way. Taking a break from work can be great for productivity. On the flip side, working without any time off is a great way to burn yourself out.

Here are some signs that you seriously need a vacation:

