Making mistakes is a common habit among most employees. The good thing is that they often get an opportunity to rectify the mistakes when their employers point at how things should be done. However, freelancers who work from home do not have the advantage of rectifying their mistakes because they miss the benefit of being pointed out. As such, if you are a  freelancer, it is necessary to learn the errors you could be making. Some freelancers have made large and expensive mistakes, which have cost them heavily. 

“Freelancing is tough. It can be very difficult, in fact. It can wear people down, making them lose sight of what they used to love because they have to do everything else just to get by.”  ― Mason Hipp

Here are the mistakes that freelancers should avoid.

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 Failure to Understand Your 

market is full of individuals freelancers who do not recognize their worth. It is hard to understand why this phenomenon has become a global problem, and people in the United States seem to be following the trend. Freelancers should avoid entering the market only to offer services at low prices.

Clients are always making attempts to save money regardless of the kind of jobs they want to be done. Therefore, as a freelancer, you need to determine your her worth by considering the following factors:

  • Are you qualified for the skills you are offering? 
  • Do you seek to learn and expand these skills?
  • Will you willing to meet deadlines? 
  • Do you have the experience needed to manage the jobs? 
  • Do you have a successful track record that can be proven through recommendations, testimonials or portfolio? 

Understanding your worth will determine the precise amount to charge for the services you offer. However, it is a good way to make a beginning.

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 Failure to Calculate Costs

For most people, when they decide to work as freelancers, they typically look at various websites believing that they should offer the best prices on the market. Do not fail to calculate the costs such as utilities, food, mortgage payments or rent and even the charges by money transfer companies such as PayPal. Request for a fee that will cover your costs. Remember that working as a freelancer will not earn you in a fixed income every month. Therefore, you must have a contingency plan in place.

 Comparing Yourself to Others

Freelancers face intense competition and dealing. As a new freelancer, you should not consider the prices charged by overseas competitors. These competitors have a different standard of living. Rather, consider the local scenario before you make your calculations and set your charges accordingly. While charging a competitive price will definitely get you some work, there are chances that you could be stuck in a particular bracket.

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 Falling for Client’s Promises 

A client that wants to develop a website or have some papers written is always looking forward to finding a freelancer who could be offering the lowest prices. Clients typically demand high-quality services and even set deadlines, which can be stressing. They seek to get the best from the lowest bidder and are not concerned about any freelancer mistakes. It is your duty as a freelancer to care for yourself without falling prey to any promises made by clients. Such promises include comprehensive reviews and recommendations to improve your business.

When you decide to begin working from the comfort of your home, you must not consider your potential earnings. Rather, give some thought to the mistakes that freelancers. This could be the difference between earning a decent income or becoming just another freelancer.