kokoon 9

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Architects are increasingly coming up with clever ways to design homes that cut down on construction time.

Take the Kokoon, a new three-story wooden house that can go up in under a day. The first prototype was recently unveiled in Otaniemi, Finland.

Built by students, the home was a project for the Aalto University School of Arts Design and Architecture's Wood Program. Every year, the Program designs and builds a small structure, ranging from pavilions to houses. This year, they created the Kokoon, Stephanie Jazmines, a student who worked on the project, tells Business Insider.

It's a portable, prefabricated house, meaning the majority of its parts are built offsite. The prefab nature of the house makes onsite assembly efficient and quick. Kokoons are not available for sale right now, but Jazmines estimates that if the team were to sell the homes, they would cost about $15,000 each.

The prototype has been moved from its original location and is now on display at the Museum of Finnish Architecture. It will be displayed in various locations across Finland over the next few years, Jazmines says. Take a look at the design.

