'Learn to tell your story'

'Learn to tell your story'
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Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/Flickr

You may feel like your story has only just begun and there isn't much to say, but everyone has a story to tell. Talking about yourself is an art form, and if you hone your storytelling and communication skills early on in your career, those will pay off in the long run.

"When preparing for any type of interview, build solid narratives from your past that demonstrate your experience and skill set," Brian Rogers, founder of the Interview Skills Bootcamp and author of "The 3x3 Interview Prep Method" tells Business Insider.

"Human beings are programmed to listen for stories and we love it when they're told well," he says. "Instead of rewording what you've already written on your résumé, come up with some great stories from that experience to highlight yourself in exactly the way you want."

