1. Reprogram your mind to stay positive

1. Reprogram your mind to stay positive
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Gleb Leonov/Strelka Institute for Media and Design/Flickr

Our thoughts and actions are influenced by our feelings. That’s why when you’re just feeling "blah" because the weather is crummy or you had a stressful week all you want to do is stay in bed.

Here’s the problem. Negativity is all around us. There’s nothing we can do about that, either, but what can do is learn how to reprogram our minds to stay positive. You can't trap every negative thought in the happy-clappy end zone of your mind, but can take charge of your thoughts by:

1. Keeping a gratitude journal. Jot down what you’re thankful for every day instead of worrying what you don’t have. Gratitude will make you happier, increase your productivity and help you sleep better at night.

2. Creating and repeating positive affirmations that acknowledge the progress your are making in the areas where you want to improve.

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3. Surrounding yourself with positive people who lift your spirits. Remember, emotions are contagious.

4. Don't acknowledge negative thoughts.

5. Staying active. Exercise releases endorphins but idleness leads to over-analyzing and overthinking.

Related: A Little Gratitude Can Go a Long Way

